HOW TO - Setup madVR for Kodi DSPlayer & External Players


madVR Setup Guide (for Kodi DSPlayer and Media Player Classic)
madVR 0.90.7
LAV Filters 0.68
Last Updated: 2016-2-8

Please provide corrections if you notice any technical information appears incorrect. This may not be uncommon as new features are added that are beyond my technical acumen.

What is madVR?

New to Kodi? Try this Quick Start Guide.

This guide is an additional resource for those using Kodi DSPlayer or MPC-HC. Setup for madVR is a lengthy topic and its configuration will remain fairly consistent regardless of the chosen media player.

Table of Contents:

  1. Devices;
  2. Processing;
  3. Scaling Algorithms;
  4. Rendering;
  5. Measuring Performance;
  6. Sample Settings Profiles, Profile Rules & Advanced Settings;
  7. Other Resources.

Properties, Identification, Calibration, Display Modes, Color & Gamma and Screen Config.

Deinterlacing, Artifact Removal, Image Enhancements and Zoom Control. 

Scaling Algorithms 
Chroma Upscaling, Image Downscaling, Image Doubling and Upscaling Refinement.

General Settings, Windowed Mode Settings, Exclusive Mode Settings, Stereo 3D, Smooth Motion, Dithering and Trade Quality for Performance.


Credit goes to the JRiver Media Center MADVR Expert GuideAsmodian's madVR Options Explained and madshi for most technical descriptions.

madVR Rendering Path

The chart below is a summary of the rendering process. The image is taken directly from this thread.

[Image: madVR-Rendering-Path_zpszqougo13.png]


Resource Use of Each Setting

madVR can be very demanding on most graphics cards. Accordingly, each setting is ranked based on the amount of processing resources consumed: MinimumLowMediumHigh and Maximum. Users of integrated graphics cards should not combine too many features labelled Medium and will be unable to use features labelled High or Maximum without performance problems.

This performance scale only relates to processing features requiring use of the GPU.